Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Have you noticed the knockers on doors? They range from bells, the old bicycle type, where you have to actually turn the bell; to modern door bells, to brass knockers; to just the handy ol' knuckles that come attached to your hand :) . Knocking is a way of getting someone's attention. Often when we are home and hear knocking we are eager to answer the door, unless of course its a travelling salesman!!

Many times this time of year we delight in hearing the doorbell, or knocker, because it could be a USPS, or UPS, or FedEx delivery, etc, bringing boxes from faraway friends or relatives. Sometimes, doorbells can be finicky. Our backdoor bell can only be heard outside of the kitchen. If you are in the kitchen with the door only a few feet away, we can't hear the doorbell!

There is a special type of door knocking mentioned in Scripture. Its found in the Book of Revelations:

20 "Behold, I {Jesus} stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.
Rev 3:20 (NKJV)

Jesus is standing outside of our hearts, our lives and knocking. He is wanting to come in. Have we left Him in? Have we allowed Him entrance to all areas of our life? Or have we become like my backdoor bell~finicky, and for whatever reason won't let Him in, because we don't hear Him? Or have we clearly heard the knock, and refuse to allow Him in certain parts of our lives? Next time you hear a doorbell, remind yourselves, as I do, of this verse. How are we responding to Jesus' knocks?


Blogger Constance said...

A good reminder. I always remember hearing how Jesus is a gentleman, He always knocks, He never barges in & He's never pushy! We have to invite Him in & He is the perfect guest. Unlike door to door salesman who try & get you to buy junk you don't need, He offers us one simple thing-Himself. Do we refuse? Do we throw Him off our porch & be rude to Him? The choice is ours. Thank Goodness the verse doesn't say,
"Behold I call from a 1 800 number and solicit you at dinnertime like a telephone marketer..."

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 6:42:00 AM  
Blogger heidi @ ggip said...

What a great way to put it!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006 7:58:00 AM  

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