Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Looking for..........

I'd like to thank all of you for hanging with me as I 'scribble' some thoughts about churches, and my own spiritual journey. I'm encouraged by your responses.

Now on a lighter note, I'd like to have help for two things. I've already tried an internet search and really couldn't come up with what I wanted. If any of you may have an idea, please comment.

1). A winter hat. I have a lovely, warm hat and scarf set for goodness maybe, nearly 20 years, (no wonder its hard to find! LOL), and I'm looking for a duplicate. I only need the hat, not the scarf. The hat I have is a cable knit, double layer, hat that comes down over the ears, and originally had a 'beret' effect, though over the years that effect is gone. I've been checking out the stores as it is approaching winter. I have the traditional 'knit' cap, but I'd like something that's not so tight against the head. My 'beret' hat is not that tight against the skull. I looked in Target yesterday and found they had 'berets' but they weren't warm enough, nor did they come down over the ears. I live in a cold, snowy climate and want protection. Any ideas, is great welcomed.

2). Online praise and worship sites, or Christian radio sites that play Christian praise and worship music. I've also searched for this, but I must not be putting in the right words, because what I'm getting is not what I'm wanting. Again, any help is appreciated. Thanks, :)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Will the real church please stand up, part 2

I have to face it. I know it in my head, but I must keep telling my heart. There is NO real perfect church~ not till we get to heaven! The church I am at now, I cannot leave because my husband is a pastor. The cabinet, comprised of the district superintendents and the bishop placed him here this summer. It is a mission field. I must accept it.

That said, however that doesn't stop me from growing spiritually. I think that is the area of my discontent. It is a spiritual hunger. I want to grow spiritually, personally. I've tasted something great spiritually before in my life while I was on the reservation. I need to 'retaste' it. It was what some would call a "Holy Spirit experience". But frankly since then, I've hadn't had much teaching on it, nor do I know what to do with it.

So the real church doesn't exist here on earth. However, I believe God is calling each of us to be reconciled to Him personally thru the salvation that Jesus (God's Son) died to obtain for us. Instead of lamenting my church, since I can't do anything about it, I can focus on my personal relationship with the Lord, and pray for the congregation that they too can find Jesus as their Saviour.

There are many blogs, online ministries that are out there to help us in our daily walk with the Lord. I encourage you to find one or more that will help you draw closer to the Lord thru reading the Bible, praying and communing with the Lord.

One such devotional is "Laced with Grace: Let God's Word Transform you today". The link is on my sidebar. I encourage you to try it. Browse thru the earlier posts. You'll be blessed.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Will the real church please stand up, part 1

Will the real church please stand up? I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about my church history~ my own church history. I guess you can say I am an eclectic Christian. I mean that I have visited or have been a part of several types of churches. Those include (not in chronological order) Baptist, Mennonite, Assembly of God, United Methodist, Presbyterian, Wesleyan, Catholic, non-denominational , etc. I have been to churches where two pot-bellied stoves kept the room warm, to a large mega-theatre atmosphere where hundreds gathered at a time, and the weekend' s total attendance averaged well over 1500. I have been to churches where English was the 'secondary' language, and as a Caucasian I was definitely in the minority.

My earliest church memories as a child began with a church whose history dates all the way back to pre-American Revolution days. However, my most memorable and happy church experiences go back to when I was just out of college and a volunteer on a Southwest United States Indian reservation. There the Christians are definitely in the minority, numbering only about 2% of the population. The faith of those Christians I have yet to see matched anywhere else. My saddest church experiences are from several different churches through-out my life, where conflict, selfishness, materialism, and plain old stubbornness rule, unfortunately.

Where is the real church? I don't know. In my current quest for personal spiritual renewal I have to say that American churches for the most part are caught up in materialism. But I have sensed the Holy Spirit, most often in small intimate gatherings on the reservation where the struggling Christians came together weekly out of pure necessity to encourage, learn and support each other. The surroundings were often simple, as church sanctuaries go. Often wooden slat benches filled with worn-thin pillows were the only comfort we had to sit on. But that did not matter. Nor did time matter. Often Sunday worship services were like the rest of the cultural emphasis on the reservation- time was not a god. 1 1/2 to two hours for a worship service was not uncommon. After being in that environment, I found myself shaking my head the first time I went back home for a Christmas visit and my home pastor said, "Please share how reservation life is treating you within a five minute time frame."

I will never will forget on the reservation the monthly practice of the Christians meeting together for a "Day of Prayer". One Sunday a month the Christians would attend their local churches for Sunday school and Worship. Then about mid-afternoon they would travel to the host church for the Day of Prayer services. A prayer service, with a couple of hymns would begin the afternoon. Then we would break for a potluck supper. After supper, each church or group represented would sing 1 or 2 songs for the audience. The evening would also include time for testimony, congregational singing, and a sermon. What always amazed me was that the group would consist of two neighboring Native American tribes who on the outside were seen as enemies, but within the church walls were seen as brothers and sisters. In addition to the Native Americans, there would be a few of us non-natives. But what a foretaste of heaven, where people from mixed tribes, coming together to worship the Lord! I remember one time, for the evening service on this Day of Prayer, the children were excused to another room, just to free up more seats for the standing room only adults! When one counted up the hours spent in church on any given Day of Prayer, from the early morning till night, it could quite easily reach at least 7-9 hours !!

To be continued...
copyright by ampraisingHim 2006, all rights reserved

Thursday, October 19, 2006

What are you reading?

What Christian fiction or Christian non-fiction are you reading or have recently completed and would like to mention? Now that its fall, and winter is approaching, I'm always on the hunt for good books!! Please share! :)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Now what?

I have enjoyed reading all of your responses to the previous post ("Surgeries, the church, and please share") . If you haven't already done so, please read and feel free to comment. There's a great dialog going on.

I think if I could sum up my reaction, and God's leading as I read the responses and looked at other blogs, it would be two words, well actually three, :), the Holy Spirit.

Everywhere I turned in the past few days, have been blogs, newsletters, or devotionals about the Holy Spirit. I think the Lord's trying to tell me something.! What exactly I don't know. I know the role of the Holy Spirit is vital to a Christian's growth, and to the church's health. I believe the Holy Spirit is still very active in the world today.

Some places that I have been blessed this week included the following posts:
(see post: "tested by fire")

(see posts: "barriers" and "underlined by God")
and the newsletter that she references:

(click on publications, and then Oct 2006 newsletter)

(see post: "Verify your spiritual life")


(see post: "Let your fire burn")

I encourage you to take a moment to browse thru these helpful posts. And also feel free to comment on the role of the Holy Spirit in today's churches.
But I want to leave you with one more post that I think sums up our feeling of spiritual wasteland here in the United States. Although originally written in and about another country, I felt encouraged, because where there are prayer warriors there is hope. Here in the U.S. are we being faithful too?

(see post "room with a view").

Thursday, October 05, 2006

How a river and a snowflake helped me

It's been quite a week again. First, I think we all are grieving the innocent lives lost in our schools, especially the Amish schoolhouse. May God surround all those involved with His love, mercy, and presence. May those who don't have a relationship with Jesus be led through the witnesses of others to salvation.

....Anyways, over the past few days I've been helped by a picture of a river and a picture of a snowflake. First the river:
The night of receiving the news of my mom's upcoming breast surgery, I posted here on my blog. After I got off of the internet, and moved away from my computer, I noticed that my wallpaper on my computer had changed. Every few hours it changes. This time the screen was filled with a scenic picture of a sunrise, with the following verse at the top of the screen.
This is the day the LORD has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalms 118:24 (NLT).

The picture was a beautiful river meandering its way to the horizon. At the horizon was the sun just coming up and scattering its gorgeous rays across the earth. I thought to myself...me, rejoice, no way!! How could I rejoice on a day like today? I was also led to the following verse:

There is a river of joy flowing through the city of our God--the sacred home of the God above all gods.
Psalms 46:4 (TLB)

After a few minutes, I slowly began to think of things I was thankful for. Over the next couple of days, I kept thinking about that picture and learning that despite the hurt contained in a single day, we could still find something to be thankful for. Hard, yes, but God is with us in our times of pain.

The second picture was yesterday. I had been examining my spiritual life very closely in the past couple of days. Yesterday, I really asked the Lord, how could He love me despite my past, and everything. I asked Him, if there was some way He could remind me of His love, and that I mattered to Him. A little later, I was on the computer. After I had been on the internet for a while, I closed off of the internet, and the screen went to the wallpaper. This time the picture was a close-up shots of three snowflakes. The magnification was so great that one could see the snowflakes' intricate patterns. Instantly across my mind came the verse,

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.
Psalms 139:14 (NKJV)

God did love me. He made me wonderfully, just like He did those snowflakes!! He loves me. Jesus loves me!! Yes, that thought still is a little foreign to me. I know it in my head, but in my heart its another story. So often growing up, and even as an adult, I don't think I ever grasped who I am in Christ. I still am learning. I know I'm saved. But, I'm still learning about truly who my identity is in Christ.

Know what I mean?