Friday, September 22, 2006


I've been thinking after writing my previous post, "How God is getting my attention" (which is a short version of my testimony) that I want to continue from time to time writing about other things that the Lord has spoken thru to get my attention. Today's topic is footwashing. Now I am not beginning any sort of pro/con; or debate....this is merely a story of how God touched my life thru a symbolic, meaningful act a few years ago.

A few years ago, I visited a Mennonite church just across the state line from where we then lived. It was just far enough away that these trips were rare, and had to be done in good weather. One spring morning, I visited, without any foreknowledge, on their footwashing Sunday. It was a very moving time. Looking back, I feel so honored to have been able to participate in this service, as a guest. I'm so glad they included me.

After the service was over, the men and women separated. All of us women went downstairs to a Sunday school room. We removed our stockings, and took turns washing each other's feet. We were partnered up with another lady. My 'team' was one of the last to do it. One lady would set on the chair and put her feet in the basin, while the other knelt down in front of the basin wet the feet, and then lifted them out, and dried them with a towel. Then they switched places. I quietly informed my lady partner that I had bad toes, and she kindly, ever so sweetly replied, that it didn't matter. After my feet had been wet, and dried, and I had done the lady's feet, my heart was so strangely warm. You see, my bad toes had been my embarassment all my life. But here, I was loved, accepted, and hugged, bad toes and all. My feet, my ugly feet were kindly washed by a 'saint'. I will probably never see my 'saint' this side of heaven. But when I do, I'll give her a huge hug because her loving act touched me.

I think it took months for me to realize the significance of the act. God was breaking my pride in some areas of my life and raising my self esteem in others..bad feet was just one of those areas. Years later I now look back on that experience and its as if God's whispering in my ear...."That lady, showed My love, Christ's love, by touching, and washing your feet. If she accepts your feet, how much more do I accept and love your feet, and your whole self. I (God) love you very much." It took me quite a while to learn that fact, that God loves me, ugly feet and all! ! But, HE DOES LOVE ME!! Amazing, isn't it! Equally that He Loves Everyone Reading This Post!!!!!


Blogger ampraisingHim said...

just testing my comments and settings.

Saturday, September 23, 2006 10:59:00 AM  
Blogger Destination...Gloryland! said...

When we first became members of our current church, footwashing was a new experience for me. In our case, the women are all together in a circle and then one washes the lady's feet next to her. When that is done, the one that just had her feet washed, washes the next lady's feet until the circle is completed. During that time, we sing songs and bask in His presence. It truly is a special time.

Saturday, September 23, 2006 3:17:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This reminds me of an incident that occurred about 3 years ago in our youth group. Three of our seniors were in charge of the youth service that evening (we let the seniors lead an entire "Senior Nite" before they graduate... Anyway, God had really done a work in these three over the past couple of years about being servant leaders, so they decided to do the message on the washing of feet and then they called me and my husband up and washed our feet to honor us for serving them over the years. They then opened this up for any of the youth (over 100 were there that evening)that wanted to show love, appreciation, humility towards a friend or one of the other youth workers that was there. One of the boys, also a senior, was sitting behind me and kind of groaned when they opened this opportunity. I turned around and said, "John, what's the problem?" And his comment to me was, "If they had asked us to do anything but wash feet, I would do it, but I'm not washing anybodys feet." I looked him right in the eyes and said, "No you wouldn't, because it's not the task that you have the real problem with, it's the attitude of the heart that holds you back. God will require you to do many more things worse than washing someone's feet if you decide to follow Him..." He just hung his head and didn't move out of his chair. Sad moment, but it is the greatest definition of our apathetic, present-day church. May I watch the attitudes of my own heart as well. Hope you have a great day. ~Sherry

Saturday, September 23, 2006 9:02:00 PM  
Blogger Basketcollector said...

Being a mennonite footwashing has always been a part of church life for me....I am ashamed to say I take it for granted sometimes. We have it open to anyone who is in good standing eith their own congregations. I am so glad you were able to have that experience. We look on the outward but God sees our heart. It's hard to put that aside sometimes. Blessings.

Monday, September 25, 2006 12:29:00 PM  
Blogger Islandsparrow said...

a beautiful post - thank you.

Monday, September 25, 2006 7:10:00 PM  

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